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Join us! 


Emmanuel United Church of Christ in Bluffton, Ohio, invites you and your family to join our congregation for faith, fellowship and fun. Check our home page for current times of worship and faith formation classes.  During the Worship service, Faith Formation is offered for kids.  Once a month we have a congregational life meal together after our Worship service. All are invited to stay and join this time of food and fellowship. 


Our Worship service is traditional, yet casual and includes hymns, children's moment, scripture reading, sermon, prayers of the people, confession, and monthly Communion. We conclude each service with our congregational statement of purpose:


Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we at Emmanuel United Church of Christ, 

are called to be a Christian family where spirituality means:


Reflecting the joy of Christ in everything we say and do;

Being responsible and generous stewards of all that God has blessed us with;

And, reaching out to everyone with the unconditional love of God.


Yes! We are the Fish Fry church.

What has become a Bluffton tradition, twice a year Emmanuel Bluffton hosts a Fish Fry for the community. Delicious fried fish, more sides than you can imagine and unlimited pies, cakes and cookies all for a small fee. It is a family dinner you won't want to miss!


In July, we host an ice cream social and throughout the year we have a series of smaller community support projects. 


All monies raised are put back into the community through church programming and cash donations to local and international organizations. As active Christians we are growing in our faith, while serving in the world. 

Church Family 

Our church family is made up of a wide range of ages and faces from lots of different places. We have legacy families represented by multiple generations. We have families who joined the church 20 years ago and have had their youth grow up in the church and we have young families who are new to the area. So, pick a pew... any pew, we have a spot for you too!


Members are elected as elders and deacons who serve on our Consistory, the adminstrative board of the church.  A variety of other committees provide leadership and support to all the programs that make Emmanuel what it is. If you are looking for a place to learn and grow, we have many opportunities for you.    





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